Dental sensitivity

Dental sensitivity: causes and solutions


Dental sensitivity is a common issue that affects many people at some point in their lives. It is characterised by a painful or uncomfortable sensation when consuming cold, hot, sweet, or acidic foods. This discomfort can be mild or intense and may indicate that something is wrong. At Inima Dental Clinic, we inform you about the possible causes and solutions.

Why does dental sensitivity occur?

Dental sensitivity occurs when the dentin, the inner layer of the teeth, is exposed. The dentin is connected to thousands of tiny tubules that lead directly to the tooth’s nerves. When this layer is exposed due to the loss of tooth enamel or gum recession, pain appears.

Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Aggressive brushing: Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing with excessive force can wear down the enamel. This exposes the dentin and causes sensitivity.
  2. Gum recession: As the gums recede, the tooth’s root, which is not protected by enamel, becomes exposed. This makes the tooth more susceptible to sensitivity.
  3. Bruxism (teeth grinding): The habit of grinding or clenching teeth, especially at night, can wear down the enamel and expose the dentin, increasing dental sensitivity.
  4. Frequent consumption of acidic foods: Acidic foods and drinks, such as vinegar, citrus fruits, or fizzy drinks, can erode the enamel over time, leading to dentin exposure.
  5. Teeth whitening: Whitening treatments, whether in the clinic or at home, can cause temporary sensitivity due to the chemicals used in the process.
  6. Cavities or fractured teeth: Cavities or cracks in teeth can reach the dentin or even the nerve, causing pain and sensitivity.
  7. Periodontal (gum) disease: Gingivitis or periodontitis can cause the loss of gum and bone tissue, exposing the tooth roots and causing sensitivity.

How to relieve dental sensitivity

Fortunately, dental sensitivity is treatable, and there are several solutions to alleviate it. Treatments may vary depending on the cause, so it is important to consult a dentist.

Some recommended solutions and products include:

  1. Desensitising toothpaste: These toothpastes contain ingredients like potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride, which help block pain signals to the tooth’s nerve. Regular use can significantly reduce sensitivity over time.
  2. Professionally applied fluoride: At our clinic, we can apply fluoride treatments to the sensitive areas. This strengthens the enamel and reduces pain.
  3. Sealing exposed dentin: If dentin is exposed, we can apply a special sealant or composite resin to cover the exposed areas, protecting the teeth from sensitivity.
  4. Correcting receding gums: In cases where gum recession is significant, a gum graft may be necessary to cover the exposed root and protect it from sensitivity.
  5. Treatment for bruxism: If bruxism is the cause, we can recommend using a night guard to prevent dental wear during the night.
  6. Avoiding acidic foods and drinks: Reducing the intake of acidic foods and drinks can help protect the tooth enamel. If you consume something acidic, it is recommended to wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth to avoid wearing down the enamel, which is more vulnerable at that time.
  7. Improving brushing technique: Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing gently can prevent enamel wear. It is also important to use toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth.

When to visit the dentist

If dental sensitivity persists or worsens, it is essential to visit our dental clinic for an evaluation. Sometimes sensitivity can be a symptom of a more serious problem. Additionally, we can recommend more personalised products and treatments according to each patient’s needs.

Dental sensitivity can affect your quality of life, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. With the right products, changes in daily habits, and a dentist’s intervention, you can eliminate the discomfort. If you experience sensitivity, do not hesitate to contact us to identify the cause and begin effective treatment.


Contact us and visit our dental clinic in Marbella to book your appointment.

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